These are complete instruction tutorials. The only difference is that we are changing our format to a larger, non folded tutorial format so we are clearing out the older format.
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Copyright Brenda Stewart: All rights reserved under Pan American and international copyright conventions. All artwork and images on this website are copyrighted by Brenda Stewart. The use of any artwork or images from this website is prohibited without prior written permission from Brenda Stewart. The posting of artwork or images on other web sites is prohibited without prior written permission from Brenda Stewart. The contents of any tutorial, book, CD or DVD including text, designs, color illustrations and photographs are copyrighted. Show More...You may paint the designs for personal use, for teaching (see Note to Teachers/Shop Owners below) or retail sales at craft shows, craft malls and for special orders. Any mechanical, electronic or digital reproduction of designs, and instructions are prohibited without prior written permission from Brenda Stewart. Photographs, color worksheets, or color illustrations may NOT be reproduced electronically or photo mechanically under any circumstances. The purchaser may mechanically or electronically enlarge or reduce patterns for their personal use. If a tutorial is purchased as an E-Tutorial, CD, DVD or online video class, you may not re-sell the PDF file, nor make copies of the PDF files for re-sale or to give away. The designs, either painted or line drawn, may not appear in any type of publication (physical or electronic) without prior written permission from Brenda Stewart. The designs may not be used to create web graphics. The product created from or any derivative product made from the designs in any of the above outlined Brenda Stewart instructional formats cannot be mass-produced in any form without a licensing agreement with Brenda Stewart. Note to Teachers /Shop Owners: If a project is taught, a tutorial for each student must be purchased from Brenda Stewart. A discount for teachers is available for multiples of the same packet. Video Classes may not be taught as these are an opportunity for painters to study exclusively with Brenda. ...Show Less